

Programming Language Syntax

Unlike natural languages such as English or Chinese,computer languages must be precise. Both their form (syntax) and meaning (semantics) must be specified without ambiguity, so that both programmers and computers can tell what a program is supposed to do. To provide the needed degree of precision, language designers and implementors use formal syntactic and semantic notation. To facilitate the discussion of language features in later chapters, we will cover this notation first: syntax in the current chapter and semantics in Chapter 4.


Specifying Syntax: Regular Expressions and Context-Free Grammars


  1. 表达能力:

    • 正则表达式:它们是用来描述正规语言的,只能表达有限的语法模式,通常用于简单的字符串匹配。正则表达式不能很好地处理递归模式,这是编程语言常见的结构,如嵌套的括号、if-else结构和函数调用等。
    • BNF范式:它是一种用于表示上下文无关文法(CFG)的符号,能够描述更复杂的语言结构,包括递归,这使得BNF非常适合表示编程语言的语法。
  2. 递归结构:

    • 编程语言中经常会有递归结构,比如在语言中可以有无限嵌套的函数调用或者循环结构。BNF范式自然而然地支持递归定义,而正则表达式则不支持。
  3. 上下文无关文法:

    • BNF是上下文无关文法的一种表示方法,它能够描述大多数编程语言的语法。上下文无关文法比正则表达式的表达能力更强,因为它允许使用非终结符和规则来定义语言的语法结构。
  4. 解析算法:

    • BNF范式定义的语法可以直接被转换成解析器,如LL或LR解析器,这些解析器可以构建出源代码的抽象语法树(AST)。正则表达式不适合这种用途,因为它们缺乏构建复杂结构的能力。
  5. 可读性和维护性:

    • BNF范式提供了一种清晰的方式来描述语法规则,这让语言设计者更容易定义、阅读和维护语言的语法。相比之下,复杂的正则表达式可以难以理解和维护。



By grouping input characters into tokens, the scanner dramatically reduces the number of individual items that must be inspected by the more computationally intensive parser. In addition, the scanner typically removes comments (so the parser doesn’t have to worry about them appearing throughout the context-free grammar); saves the text of “interesting” tokens like identifiers, strings, and numeric literals; and tags tokens with line and column numbers, to make it easier to generate high-quality error messages in subsequent phases.


Generating a Finite Automaton

While a finite automaton can in principle be written by hand, it is more common to build one automatically from a set of regular expressions, using a scanner generator tool.


As it turns out, however, there is no obvious one-step algorithm to convert a set of regular expressions into an equivalent deterministic finite automaton (DFA). The typical scanner generator implements the conversion as a series of three separate steps.


  • The first step converts the regular expressions into a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA).
  • the second step of a scanner generatortranslates the NFA into an equivalentDFA
  • The third step is a space optimization that generates a final DFA with the minimum possible number of states.

Scanner Code

We can implement a scanner that explicitly captures the “circles-and-arrows” structure of a DFA in either of two main ways. One embeds the automaton in the control flow of the program using gotos or nested case (switch) statements; the other, described in the following subsection, uses a table and a driver.



The parser is the heart of a typical compiler. It calls the scanner to obtain the tokens of the input program, assembles the tokens together into a syntax tree, and passes the tree (perhaps one subroutine at a time) to the later phases of the compiler, which perform semantic analysis and code generation and improvement. In effect, the parser is “in charge” of the entire compilation process; this style of compilation is sometimes referred to as syntax-directed translation.



  • LL(自顶向下)
  • LR(自底向上)
  • 递归下降
  • 表驱动自顶向下解析

Syntax Errors

In general, the term syntax error recovery is applied to any technique that allows the compiler, in the face of a syntax error, to continue looking for other errors later in the program. High-quality syntax error recovery is essential in any production-quality compiler. The better the recovery technique, the more likely the compiler will be to recognize additional errors (especially nearby errors) correctly, and the less likely it will be to become confused and announce spurious cascading errors later in the program.


Theoretical Foundations

Our understanding of the relative roles and computational power of scanners, parsers, regular expressions, and context-free grammars is based on the formalisms of automata theory. In automata theory, a formal language is a set of strings of symbols drawn from a finite alphabet. A formal language can be specified either by a set of rules (such as regular expressions or a context-free grammar) that generates the language, or by a formal machine that accepts (recognizes) the language. A formal machine takes strings of symbols as input and outputs either “yes” or “no.” A machine is said to accept a language if it says “yes” to all and only those strings that are in the language. Alternatively, a language can be defined as the set of strings for which a particular machine says “yes.”


Summary and Concluding Remarks

  • 正则表达式
  • 上下文无关文法
  • 实际编译器中的扫描和解析算法
  • 语法错误恢复(painc)
  • 自顶向下解析
  • 自底向上解析